Will I still feel hungry while dieting with hCG?
Because hCG mobilizes your stored fat, your body is constantly fed by the fat that is being broken down. Many people report a satisfied feeling while using hCG even though they are only consuming 500 calories.

Can I expect side effects from hCG use?
There are rare reports of slight headaches as a mild side effect during hCG use.

Can hCG be taken while birth control is being used?
It has not been shown that hCG interferes with birth control.

What is meant by the term "homeopathic"?
Globally, homeopathy is the second most widely used medical system. Homeopathy has seen a great rise in popularity in the United States. More and more people are turning to natural forms of treatment. Homeopathy is proving to be an effective, natural and safe alternative without the risk of dangerous side effects.

How do hCG drops differ from hCG injections?
hCG drops are placed under the tongue where they are absorbed directly into the body. No prescription is required for homeopathic hCG. A doctor must prescribe hCG injections and are administered by a shot into the body's muscle tissue.

In regard to their period, when should women start taking hCG?
Immediately after their period or menstruation cycle is the best time for women to start the hCG weight loss protocol.

Is a prescription and doctor required while using hCG?
Whenever starting a new weight loss program, you should consult with a qualified healthcare provider. That being stated, homeopathic hCG diet drops do not require a doctor's prescription.

Can hCG be used by men for weight loss?
Yes, many men have experienced great success while using hCG.

Wouldn’t I be able to lose 1 to 2 pounds per day without using hCG if I were eating only 500 calories?
Attempting to lose weight by only taking in 500 calories would eventually fail because your body would go into "starvation" mode and would begin to store additional fat.
